Public Safety DJI Geo-fencing Unlock Assistance

If you operate a DJI drone for a public safety agency to conduct public safety operations you are able to unlock the DJI geo-fencing that prohibits you flying in certain locations. The information below are examples to help public safety organizations complete the DJI unlocking process. You can submit unlocking requests here. Note: Select organization when submitting the request. 

Organization Letterhead with Logo and Address 

Today’s Date:

Ref: DJI Geo-fencing Unlock for All DJI Products Owned and Operated by (your organization’s name)

To Whom It May Concern:

As per (your organization’s name) policy all UAS operations will be conducted by FAA certified remote pilots (14 CFR part 107). Furthermore, all operations within controlled airspace will be approved and or coordinated with the appropriate facility as per FAA waivers, Letters of Agreement and or Certificates of Waiver or Authorization (CoA) or other appropriate agreements.

At times, (your organization’s name) UAS operations may be permitted in areas where the general public is not allowed to fly as providing public safety may necessitate this. As such (your organization’s name) is requesting that any and all DJI products owned and/or operated by (your organization’s name) be released of the manufacturers geo-fencing constraints for a geographic location defined as, the State of Colorado.



Job Title

As per (your organization’s name) policy all UAS operations will be conducted by FAA certified remote pilots (14 CFR part 107). Furthermore, all operations within controlled airspace will be approved and or coordinated with the appropriate facility as per FAA waivers, Letters of Agreement and or Certificates of Waiver or Authorization (CoA) or other appropriate agreements. At times, (your organization’s name) UAS operations may be permitted in areas where the general public is not allowed to fly as providing public safety may necessitate this. As such (your organization’s name) is requesting that any and all DJI products owned and/or operated by (your organization’s name) be released of the manufacturers geo-fencing constraints for a geographic location defined as, the State of Colorado.

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