Emergency Waiver

For urgent and time-sensitive requests, contact the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA's) System Operations Support Center (SOSC) at (202) 267-8276 for expedited assistance. The FAA's SOSC will coordinate with the facility and/or sponsoring federal agency as appropriate.

Use the Emergency Operation Request Form (you may have to right-click and select "Save Link As" to download this document) to provide required information.*

First responders and other organizations responding to natural disasters or other emergency situations may be eligible for expedited approval through the FAA's Special Governmental Interest (SGI) process. Operations that may be considered include:

  • Firefighting
  • Search and Rescue
  • Law Enforcement
  • Utility or Other Critical Infrastructure Restoration
  • Incident Awareness and Analysis
  • Damage Assessments Supporting Disaster-Recovery-Related Insurance Claims
  • Media Coverage Providing Crucial Information to the Public

To apply for a waiver through the SGI process, you must be an existing Part 107 Remote Pilot with a current certificate OR you must have an existing Certificate of Waiver or Authorization (COA). To submit a waiver through this process, fill out the Emergency Operation Request Form (you may have to right-click and select "Save Link As" to download this document) and send it to the FAA's SOSC at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If approved, the FAA will add an amendment to your existing COA or Remote Pilot Certificate that authorizes you to fly under certain conditions for the specified operation. If denied, operators should NOT fly outside the provisions of their existing COA or Part 107 Certificate.

*This process is called the Special Governmental Interest (SGI) amendment process and is outlined in FAA Order JO 7200.23A.

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