TAK Deployment Reports

2021 Deployment Reports

  • In July 2021 CoE staff supported the U.S. Forest Service Dingell Act Resource Tracking (DART) team with a deployment of the TAK app on the Tamarack Fire in Northern California and Nevada. Read about the deployment and see maps of the tracking data collected by the DART technologies here: https://arcg.is/1fPG8q


  • In September 2021 CoE staff supported the U.S. Forest Service Dingell Act Resource Tracking (DART) team with a deployment of the TAK app on the Caldor Fire in Northern California. Read about the deployment and see maps of the tracking data collected by the DART technologies here: https://arcg.is/1DqDfG1


2020 Deployment Reports

In 2020 the U.S. Forest Service awarded a grant to the CoE to develop a TAK capability for wildland fire and conduct a pilot project deployment of the technology on a wildland fire. The CoE stood up a TAK server that ties all TAK users together and integrated this server with the Enterprise Geospatial Portal, a federally developed website containing fire maps and other intelligence. 

An opportunity to pilot TAK came in August 2020 on the Grizzly Creek Fire in Western Colorado. The CoE coordinated with the fire’s incident management team to deploy TAK to firefighters on the night shift, as well as on a division (a discrete geographic area) of the fire. A total of 28 phones were deployed with firefighters for 13 days. On average, firefighters’ positions were updated every 129 seconds. In addition, wildland firefighters participating in the pilot project received regular updates of incident maps and information on their phones through the TAK app. All firefighters surveyed on the deployment stated that TAK improved their situational awareness. Read the full report here:

Video summary of the 2020 TAK deployment on the Grizzly Creek Fire:

Tour of TAK location reports on Division N of the Grizzly Creek Fire:

2019 Deployment Report

Video summary of a TAK deployment in 2019 for night aerial firefighting with the DFPC Canon City Helitack crew:

2018 Deployment Reports

 Video on 2018 TAK deployments at Country Jam and the Telluride Bluegrass Festival:

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