CDPS UAS Pilot Certification Test

The CoE has adopted a UAS pilot certification test based on work done by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). CDPS unmanned aerial system (UAS) pilots must demonstrate flight proficiency by completing the UAS pilot certification test once per year. The test includes a number of maneuvers that demonstrate the ability of the pilot to control the aircraft in specific moves and position the aircraft to observe test targets. In each test position, a test target is visible within the bucket. Fully visualizing the target requires relatively precise positioning of the aircraft. Visibility of the target is verified by the proctor. The test must be completed in 12 minutes or less. The attached PDFs show the test form used and the UAS pilot certification maneuvers required. Click on the image to see a larger version.

Flight Qualification Slide 1

                 CDPS Flight Qualification Test Slide


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